Time Management - with Coach Tori

As an athlete, we wear many hats.  Partner,  spouse, parent, caretaker, employee, etc. Regardless of the demands of our lives, we still need to figure out how to get in a workout and spend time with family and friends - and this balance can be very tricky. 

Spring is close and many of us are ready to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. Some are gearing up for their early A race while others are increasing their training for a Fall A race. This is a great time to think about what practices you can put in place to make your training easier on you and those who support you. 

In addition to being a triathlon coach, I am also an office manager and I tend to work a lot of hours. I do have the opportunity to work from home so this does save time not driving. My job can be stressful, so making sure I get a workout completed helps alleviate some of the work day issues. However, it is easy to have the opposite experience as well - where you get so bogged at work that you miss workouts which in turn leaves you feeling more stressed out. 


How do we do this and still maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle?  It's not easy even for me and I have an amazing support system.  Being able to manage my time has been a difficult adjustment. I'm still working on it but it is getting better - here are some practices that I have put in place over the years. 

When I get my weekly workouts from my coach I immediately start planning how my days will go. There are many days that I have to wake up at 4am to get in a workout. If this has to be done several days in a row, then I also need to make sure that I get enough sleep.  I am not a morning person!  It is imperative that I get into bed at a timely hour and unplug from the world. Setting strong and consistent sleep habits are key to waking up early.

Making sure we have the proper nutrition is also key.  This also forces me to get my meals ready for the next day and make better food decisions.  If I try to get my lunch and/or workout food done in a hurry, I am more likely to just grab something easy.  This doesn't necessarily end up being a good choice to help prep for an after work workout.  I set aside a few hours to plan my meals and then prep them in advance - I also always have a lara bar on hand, in case I find that I am starving and in a pinch.

Last year Evolve hosted athlete and author Terri Schneider. Something that resonated with me is what she wrote in one of her books: do not to "try", but commit to what we do.  We can all try to do something then have an excuse why we didn't do it. If I don't want to do a workout, I ask myself if it is a reason or excuse. There is a difference and it should be a reason.  I am the queen of justification. If I do not have a reason then an excuse is just an easy way out.  When I make my weekly plan I am making the commitment to achieve a happy, healthy lifestyle.

I also will make a backup plan because, as we all know, some days do not go according to our plans. I have a dry eraser calendar in our kitchen. This shows my spouse what days I'm working and what workouts I am doing.  This also helps me to be accountable and not make excuses.  Since it's in writing it also make it harder to not complete. That and of course turning all the boxes in Training Peaks GREEN!

I will add to a previous blog that consistency is the main foundation. I practice swimming, biking and running so I can become a better athlete. I also practice the commitment to my lifestyle.  We are continuously changing so we need to be able to adapt to multiple situations and consistency combined with adaptaion is what will make us all better athletes in the end. 

Race Report - with Coach Nick Gregory

(Not your typical) Race Report


It has been a little over a week - but on March 17th, it was finally that time of the year for me - time to open up the 2018 triathlon season.

Originally I was supposed to of opened my season in the first week of January at HITS Naples, however due to a mechanical issue found the night before the race that I was unable to resolve before the race, I had to withdraw. To say I was let down is an understatement, however I spoke with Coach Lenny and we decided I would get back to work immediately and refocus for the Intimidator 70.3.

Over the next 8 weeks I had some ups and downs with the training cycle as the volume increased, but was really excited with where I was at in my training. As I rolled into race week I took a look back at the previous season and was honestly not sure how this year would pan out. I think any athlete is nervous heading into a new season - it means we care, but I also knew that I had put in a lot of work and I really wanted the race to showcase that work. While I have had a few good races in the past,  I had not really had a great race where I felt like I raced to my full potential. There was a whole other side of me that I knew was untapped. Compared to years past however, my mental fitness and focus on race fueling were a huge part of my training and I was hopeful that I could show that in my racing as well. But looming in the back of my head were my previous experiences at races - even in years when I was super fit I would under-perform. Over the course of 3-4 consecutive seasons, I have collected my fair share of races in which I under-performed or just did not execute properly. I was making steps in the right direction in 2017 and was really hoping that the trend would continue into the 2018 season, but like any athlete on race week, I was left with the anticipation of what the outcome would be on race day.

Leading into the race was much like other races, however I really didn’t taper too much. I had a great weekend of training the weekend before to stay focused on my ultimate ‘A’ race, Ironman Texas.

Day Before Race:

Did my pre-race bike and run first thing in the AM so I could get my biggest meal of the day (MMMMM….Pancakes) in my body and give myself plenty of time to digest. Since I didn’t know the area where I was staying and didn’t really want to drive to the race site, I opted to do my spin on the trainer, but ran outside. I felt decent during this workout, not great or amazing, but I knew another 24 hours or so of rest/recovery I would be feeling much better. Packet pick-up was uneventful and got in a quick swim at the race site.

After wrapping up at the race site I headed back to my AirBnB and got my bike and run gear ready. Of course since it was the first time of the year it took me a while to remember what the hell I was even doing. Dinner was eaten around 5:30p (I had the usual bland pre-race meal)  and washed it down with a bottle of Gatorade Endurance.

During the day I also consumed two bottles of Pedialyte as it typically settles better with me than other sports drinks, even if every person assumes I am severely hungover.


Race Day

I slept pretty decent considering it was a race night and was up pretty quick when the alarm went off. As soon as I got up I put my headphones in to start blasting some music, grabbed my coffee, protein shake, 3 cups of applesauce, and a banana for breakfast and got it down as soon as I could (4:30 am). I prep all of my food the night before so this is as easy as a process as it can be on race day. I started sipping on Gatorade Endurance and finished it an hour out from gun time - at the same time I ate 1/2 a Clif Bar.

When I got my bike set-up in transition I noticed that Murphy’s law had taken place, and my powermeter battery was dead. Unfortunately I did not have the specific tool nor the battery to fix the situation, but just shrugged it off and told myself I would go off of HR and RPE. I have done all of my workouts observing multiple metrics as this is a cornerstone of Evolve - we never want too get to caught up on one metric or we would be screwed on race day if something like this happens. Instead I assured myself that I knew intrinsically what my watts felt like and I had HR to back that up - I knew my zones to race in and would use those as a guiding principle.

I got through my pre-race warm-up and sipped on water through the hour leading into the time I went off. 15’ out I downed my Powerbar Gel with water.  Off I headed into the water to get a quick warm-up swim to get the arms and lungs working, and make sure the wetsuit was properly situated.

Swim - 31:42 - PR

swim out.jpg

For the wetsuit legal swim, I lined myself up on the far left of the crowd right on the buoy line. A minute or so before the gun went off, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes for a second, and just gave myself the opportunity to loosen up (mentally). The gun went off, and it was the typical melee for position where everyone thinks that they can swim the 1.2 miles like they are Michael Phelps. I swam pretty hard, and thought I found some pretty quick feet to sit on, and hopefully would be able to bridge up to the lead pack. Unfortunately the guy I decided to follow was gassed by the first buoy and ended up passing him and tried to find the pack. Since we were the last wave to go, there were plenty of people already in the water which made it difficult to pick out the athletes from my wave. I ended up swimming most of the distance by myself with two guys right behind me. I was hoping one of them would bridge up and do some work, but alas they did not. When I made the final turn towards shore with about a 1/3 of the way left, I was feeling comfortable and thought I was making a decent pace. I had a bit of a hard time sighting coming in due to the sun even with the tinted goggles and ended up swimming a bit wide which would be about an extra 150-200 yards (doh!).

T1 - 2:25

There is a decent run from the beach to T1, but I was relaxed and made sure to not gas myself by sprinting through transition. I came out of the water right behind a fellow Jacksonville triathlete and buddy of mine, and knew it would be a good bike ride since we are similar on the bike on most days. I put my socks on, grabbed my helmet, and Charlize (my Cervelo P5) and went on out.

Bike - 2:32:01

I headed out and initially had some issues with getting my shoes on due to velcro sticking to my socks, and just all in a all it was a total cluster fuck. I was able to fix the situation on the fly, and get my feet in, but it was not fun for the mile or so with a few little hills to go over straight out of transition.


I immediately started my nutrition plan (which I have practiced over and over). I knew I wanted to really lay a solid foundation for a good run by pushing fluid and calories in that first hour. This has been a huge change for me since working with Evolve and something that Coach Lenny has really pushed me to work on - and I think ultimately was a very important part of how the day played out. In the past I never really dialed in my nutrition in the way that is demanded on you as an Evolve athlete and have had issues in the past which would haunt me later on the run.

Here is a breakdown:

Started with 3 Bottles of Gatorade endurance on the bike, and drank two of them in the first hour over 30’ intervals. Third bottle was finished by 1:45 of the bike, 4th bottle finished a little before 2:30 and had another swig of a 5th bottle (picked up from the aid station) right before T2.

Gel wise - I took in gels at 15’, 1:00, 1:40. 2:15 (this is all part of the plan that was tailored to me and my needs).

In terms of the actual ride, it was a decent and honest course. I worked my way through both previous wave athletes, and a few guys from my wave as well. It was pretty quiet and lonely for a lot of the ride without too many others to push you. My HR was about where I expected it to be once I get to the mile 10 mark. The first 40 miles or so is pretty rolling with only a few little punchy hills, but then comes the beast of Florida - Sugarloaf Mountain. I carried a lot of speed into Sugarloaf, and honestly it wasn’t that bad. My fellow Jacksonville triathlete, Eric, was near me a lot of the ride, and we kept passing each other back and forth as a typical ebb and flow of a race. While we rode most of the ride near one another - I kept Coach Lenny's voice in the back of my head - race your own race - stick to your plan. This can be a huge challenge - it's a race after all, but this is long course triathlon, and the race really begins much later. I know as both an athlete and a coach what makes for a strong bike-run and riding smooth and steady within my zones is what would ultimately set me up for the run. I knew that Eric wasn’t much for descending, and the back half of Sugarloaf and leading into T2 would hold a few technical sections. Once I got to the top I punched it (this is also part of the way we train at Evolve - lot’s of rides and run with harder tempo efforts which really helped me here) and was pretty aggressive through the downhill and rolling sections with some fun turns (especially one with a good amount of sand in the middle of the road which almost caused me to go off roading - YIKES!). I knew if I had any chance of holding him off that I had to put space between he and I as much as I could and push the pace leading into transition since he is a very strong runner.

Another good friend of mine, Thomas from Greenville, South Carolina was just ahead of me much of the back half of the race and I finally caught up to him after his 29:xx swim with only a few miles to go. The dude can swim and bike!

T2 - 0:57

I got into T2 with Thomas right in front of me, and quickly racked my bike, grabbed my fuel belt and hat, and got on the move. I try to get as much done moving as possible, so typically put my hat/glasses and fuel belt on while running.

Run - 1:34:07 - 70.3 PR Run

Nutrition - 24 oz Gatorade Endurance w/ added base salt.

Powerbar Gel at 40’, 1:20. Coke starting at mile 10 through the finish.


I set out and just wanted to try and find my legs and be confident. Lenny had given me paces and HRs and I knew that I needed to settle in first and then start to dial it in. I have had a lot of great run training, and honesty have never run this strong (in training) in my life. I knew that Eric and Thomas would be behind me and breathing down my neck, but I stay focused on MY RACE, and didn’t try and race with my ego like I used to do all too frequently. The course is a two loop, double out and back so you can see your competition at the turn arounds twice every lap. When I made the first u-turn Eric was about 20-25 seconds behind me at most. Thomas was also hot on his heels - it was going to be a race for sure. I knew I could only do what I have in my body and held strong. I made it through the next turn around and had lengthened the gap. I figured something was up since Eric typically runs a 1:28:xx half marathon off the bike, but shrugged the thought away and kept focused. I have been working hard to race in a bubble - focused only on what I can do to be my best at each moment. This is way easier said than done, but I was determined to do my best at it. 

In situations like this previously I would self sabotage along the way, or simply just mentally give up because I lacked confidence in my own ability in comparison to others. When things would get tough, I would relax in my effort as I did not have the confidence to work through the discomfort. This time was different. My posture was good and I stood tall and was running proud (shoulders back, head held high). I was towards the front of the race and finally was seeing myself as the athlete that I actually am in my training, but have never been able to showcase in a race.

While some may infer from previous conversations or my blog post earlier this year, I used to have a larger body composition. At my heaviest I was 255 pounds (for reference I am in the low 160’s during race season). Even though I lost the weight I still would see myself and think like my former larger self, and self impose limits in various ways, always citing my body size and being overweight as being the inhibitor. Body image is something I will struggle with for the rest of my life in some capacity, but I can tell you that pre-race I no longer fucking care how ‘fit’ someone looks (in general or comparison to me). I put in the work everyday, apply myself every day in all capacities. This year I have worked harder than ever on giving zero fucks and with the support of my amazing coach, I have made some huge strides. I have also grown in this capacity due to coaching - it is amazing what you learn about yourself when you work on helping others . 

I continued on with the run, and even though had a few rough miles towards the end and held on to 4th OA for a majority of the run, at the final u-turn I could see I had plenty of space between me and the rest of the group - except for one guy who legitimately came out of nowhere and was hot on my heels. As it turns out I was run down by an amazing runner from Virginia in the last 200 to 400 meters. I joked with him after the race saying I tried to hold strong to hold him off as long as I could go, but he was relentless. He was a humble and great fellow competitor ( I later saw that he ran a 1:24:xx to break down my 10’ lead on him off the bike).


As I crossed the line and stopped my watch I saw some great news, 4:41:11, a PR by 8 minutes. My previous PR was from Miami 70.3 in 2013, and while I was extremely close on far tougher courses (compared to Miami) last year, I never broke the magical 4:49 number.

I ended up with a 5th Overall placing, and took the win in the Male 30-34 Age Group. The long days of training were somewhat validated, and gave me an extra boost going into the last block of training for Ironman Texas.



I don’t know what the cards will hold at Ironman Texas, but I do know that I will race fearlessly and view myself as a confident and well trained athlete following the direction of Coach Lenny Ramsey, who has continued to challenge me in the 6 months that we have been working together. I am excited where we will go!


Athlete Insight - Race Report with Leslie Marion-Lowe

My journey with Evolve began in March 2017 and has changed my life incredibly, for the better of course!  I give credit to Sam for allowing me to let go of some of my mommy guilt to pursue what I love to do...

A few of you may know me, but I’d thought I’d share how I’ve come to the sport, along with my most recent marathon experience.


I’ve always been interested in physical fitness; I was a physical education major until I decided to leave college after my junior year to go to the police academy.  As an officer, my fitness was still important, but I didn’t run much after the academy.  Until one day one of my coworkers asked if I’d run a marathon with her, which my response was of course!  I hadn’t raced as much as a 5k at that point.  Neither of us knew what we were doing really.  So we read the book, “The Nonrunners guide to running a marathon.”  Sounded easy enough, right?  Only run 4 days/week? Ok!

Come race day, I was ready -  or so I thought.  I had a plan to have a family member or friend run with me the entire way so I wouldn’t be alone.  So every few miles I’d pick up a new fresh face to run with me.  My crucial rookie mistake was coming out of the gate WAY too hard.  I got whisked away with the excitement and idea of a particular finish time that it caused me to hit the wall very early.  It was so horribly painful that I was calling and begging people to please come pick me up.  Luckily they didn’t listen to me.  I plugged along and felt like I was the very last finisher at 6:25:42.  But hey I finished and I was now a marathoner!

As Lindsay Scheinerman (my Evolve teammate and good friend) will tell you, I ghosted my college friends by not returning in 2003 and not telling anyone and lost contact with them all.  Luckily, Facebook brought us back together in 2009.  I’d always wanted to do the Flying Pig marathon because of the fun medal.  So Lindsay and I both sign up for Flying Pig AND Go Stl half marathons that spring.  I like to take the credit for her running addiction ;)  This was the beginning of our racing relationship.  At the end of the Flying Pig half marathon, “someone” didn't follow our plan to go to the family reunion area, so we probably walked another 13.1 miles trying to find each other.  Lindsay tells the story differently.

Our next big plan was, hey let’s do the 2010 Chicago Marathon.  It’s my “treat” to myself for passing my nursing boards.  Unfortunately, this was the year Lindsay got hit by a car at Forest Park during a training run.  Being the awesome friend she is, Lindsay still traveled to Chicago to see me race, but only under the stipulation that I signed up for 2011 Chicago Marathon.  It’s the least I could do right?

I used my experience from my first marathon and went out steady throughout the race and knocked off 1 hr 13 min off my first marathon time.  Not bad.  I held my promise and raced 2011 Chicago, but only half assed trained. I only gained 12 min from previous year, not bad either for half ass training.  Oh and I got to meet the greatest soccer player of all time, Abby Wambach!  Bonus!  Thanks for breaking your ass and forcing me to go back Lindsay! ;)

I went onto to try my first triathlon at the 2011 Newtown Triathlon.  I love to swim, bike and run, so it only made sense right?  Again, another huge rookie mistake.  I only had practiced in a pool, so yep totally freaked the fuck out in the open water.  Went onto finish the race, but had no interest in triathlons after that.  Except the Triathlon at Castlewood that involved a canoe and I wanted to toss Lindsay overboard due to her canoeing skills.  Again, another story she will tell differently.

I went on to run other races, plenty of half’s, 10ks and 5ks.  Always training just enough or offering to stay back to help a slower friend through a race.  My running got derailed once I start to try to get pregnant and have to go on meds.  I felt sick all the time and zapped of energy. I get pregnant, and it gets worse.  I ended up with an emergency C Section, struggled with breast feeding, stress hives,and a baby who doesn’t want to sleep, etc.  I had zero energy for anything.  After Wyatt turned 1, I did my first race in 2 years.  But I quickly lost motivation after that.  I felt like I’d lost myself and I was desperate for help.  I sent smoke signals to Lindsay, and asked for her coaches' number.  I watched her performance dramatically improve over the years and hoped I could achieve similar results with a coach.


Now that I’m doing more than just half ass training, I’m starting to make great improvements.  Over the past year with Sam, I gained the confidence to try Newtown again and kicked it’s ass by 26 min!  I’ve PR’ed my 5k, had a podium finish at Riverland's Rush, passed over 2000 people during the heat at the Chicago half marathon as people were going down all around me.  And now we embark on marathon #4, The Mesa-Phoenix Marathon 2018...  

My training was pretty solid, despite getting pneumonia for the second time this year.  The longer my runs got, the more I start to feel guilty about not being home on long run Sundays.  Wyatt always asks my wife when she goes to get him in the morning, “Mommy go go go?” And it breaks my heart.  I struggled with great guilt about booking this trip, it will be the longest I’ve been away from Wyatt.  I want to be more than just Wyatt’s mom though and I need this.

The morning of my departure, Wyatt and I played together.  I got teary eyed as we snuggle, but he doesn’t really get it that I’ll be gone.  My mom takes me to the airport and as I get out to go around to the other side to give Wyatt a kiss, she opens he tailgate via remote.  I don’t see the gate going up and I ran smack right into it so hard that it leaves me with a 1 inch gash and blood running down my face.  Now I’m full fledged bawling because it hurt like a motherfucker!  I check to make sure I don’t need stitches and kiss them all goodbye.  Lindsay and I happen to be on the same flight by accident, so at least I have someone to show my war wound to.  I think it can only get better from here, right?

The morning before the race, my wife informs me that our 14 year old Beagle, Ping, seems to not be feeling well.  She had recently been diagnosed with an abdominal tumor and Cushings disease, but had been improving.  She tells me all her symptoms and actions and has me watch her on video.  I know this isn’t good.  The vet checks her out and ultimately it’s up to us to decide if it’s Pings time or not.  My wife takes her home, takes Ping for a walk (which Ping didn’t enjoy), made Ping bacon (didn’t eat it) and by late morning her tail isn’t wagging anymore so we know it’s time.  I have to say good bye via FaceTime and I’m absolutely crushed.  I force myself through the pre-race motions all day.  I’d been looking forward to my big breakfast, but sat there adding extra sodium via tears.  I do my 30 min run and of course everyone is out walking their dogs so tears streamed down my face the entire time.  Needless to say I was a complete fucking mess.  I felt so helpless and guilty for not being there with Ping during her final moments.

I maybe get 4 hours of sleep race night and wake up all puffy faced with my eyelids being giant puffy pillows.  At least it will be dark at the start.  It’s a 30 min bus ride and I happen to sit next to a Triathlon coach from Salt Lake City.  She has 5 boys ages 1.5  to 11 and is using this race as a training run for an upcoming full iron she’s doing.  Fuck and I’m overwhelmed with the one kid!  Anyways it’s a nice distraction.  

I like to pick people out that resemble people from home and pretend they are cheering for me.  The bus chick was my Sam.  Lady in the portapotty line was a coworker.  Saw a family resembling mine.  It keeps my mind off things.  I fly through the first 10 miles without much effort and it’s a piece of cake.  I see my friends at mile 11 and it gives me a boost.  The next 10 miles go ok, but I can’t seem to get my pace to pick up at all so I try to maintain until mile 20.  At 20 I’m still feeling pretty good, and decide this is where I need to give it all I have in the tank.  But my fucking legs just won’t move.  Like hello, body please listen to what the mind is telling you to do!  My friends are around mile 23, so I know I have to make it there and that will help.  I get a surprise sighting of Lindsay’s husband at mile 22, so that helps.  I see my friends at 23.5 and know that I’m so close to the finish.  I happened to touch my face and it’s covered in salt.  I’d been drinking my Gatorade, wtf!  At 24, I happen to see a huge bottle of salt tabs, so I snag one.  It’s only 2.2 miles, seriously get your shit together.  The faster you go, the faster this will be over.  I start to pick up the pace.  At 25, I’m locked in and tell myself every .10 I need to move faster.  There’s a nice downhill at 25.5 and a runner comes up next to me and tells me that I’m looking smooth and steady.  I turned and asked if she wanted to try and go balls to the wall into the finish with me.  She says her knee is locked up, but she will try.  I keep pushing it as hard as I can, she keeps falling back but I yell to her to get up there with me.  As well get closer, she starts to pull ahead so I use that to pull up there with her and we cross the line together.  She gives me a big hug at the end and tells me thank you.


I managed to keep my shit together during the race.  I couldn’t allow any thoughts of Ping because it would cause me to not be able to breathe.  Really I went to work and focused on getting to the finish so it could be over with.  Usually races are more of a celebration of all the work I’ve put into getting to that point.  I didn’t feel like celebrating and wasn’t excited.  I forced myself to smile on the course because I knew it would help tell my body that it wasn’t experiencing any pain.  Which it didn’t hurt like past marathons.  They gave me my medal and a towel.  And I lost it into the towel.  I crossed the line at 4:34:16, should be excited with that but I’m not.  It’s my new PR by 38:20, that’s nearly 1.5 min/mile faster!  Nope still not excited and feel like I should have done better.  Despite feeling like I could have done better, this was by far my best race.  I stayed moving nearly the entire time!  I stopped at mile 3 to pee and at mile 11 to shed layers and be sprayed down with sunblock.  I had only two mini walking sessions that maybe lasted 15 seconds each in order to collect myself.  I know all these great thing I accomplished and should be proud of, it’s been hard to allow those feelings in with the dagger currently placed in my heart.

I’ve known Ping 9 of her 14 years.  She came to be a permenant family member for her final 3 years.  In her prime, she was one hell of a runner and could easily run a 7-8 min/mile with her previous owner.  I could only hope to be half the runner she was.  This one was for Ping.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have considered this to be a hurdle I would encounter during a race.  I made it.  With pain, comes strength.


Never Stop Learning - Athlete Insight with Colleen McGarry

I met Colleen was I was 22 and a brand new teacher. I had just completed my student teaching and was offered to fill a maternity leave - I am not exactly sure of the first time that we met, but I am keenly aware of a conversation that must have taken place early in the semester over the usual super rushed lunch that is the norm for a teacher -  it was the usual, do you have any plans for this weekend? I was new to the department and I am sure that this was a polite way of breaking the ice, so I just answered with, well kind of, I am flying to Dublin, Ireland to run a marathon. The look on her face was priceless, she still gives me that look - the you are bat shit crazy, but somehow this works! That was October and in November Colleen approached me to tell me that she had just started running and had run her first 5k - when she told me her time, I bit my tongue and thought, well fuck - this chick can run. But I pretended that I could keep up and we decided to meet for a 5 mile run after school - a loop that we just revisited this past December - she left me in the dust, but more importantly we started to forge what would become the strongest friendship that I have ever had. From that day on, we have spent countless hours swimming, biking, running, lifting, laughing and talking each day.  


There is something that makes Colleen a unique creature - she has some kind of special race mojo that she can call upon when she hits the starting line that most of us can only dream about. Colleen is the epitome of the line from Midsummer's Night Dream - "... though she be but little, she is fierce." But this fierce side of her is often shrouded initially in fear - however, zip up that wetsuit or lace up those sneakers and she goes next level into a full blown suffer mode.  Another amazing thing which I believe is linked to her ability to take racing to the next level is her desire to never stop learning and to take on new challenges at any age. Colleen inspires me as an athlete every day. She never stops learning, growing, and challenging herself.

Last year, after my father died and I turned 40, I decided I would try things that were outside of my comfort zone. Things that would make me feel alive and keep the world from moving too fast away from me. Learning new things brings freshness to life, but it is also scary as shit.  Especially as an adult. I’ve embarked on new athletic adventures before.  I became a runner at 25, ran my first marathon at 29, qualified and ran Boston at 31, and have been racing triathlon for a decade. But skiing felt different. Skiing felt unreasonable, untouchable, undoable; that is exactly why I decided it was the perfect thing to begin with.



Saturday was my second week back at ski lessons and my husband suggested that I go to the mountain with the family to show what I had learned the previous week.  Since I had already had one week of lessons and it wasn’t steller, I was hesitant to show anyone anything. In fact, I wasn’t sure I really knew anything. My twelve year old is hesitant to ski even after a previous year of lessons, so I decided I would swallow my fear and head up to bunny hill to set an example for my son.  


Keep in mind that this was the second time in my life I had ever had skis on. My 9 year old took off french frying like a maniac down the mountain and my husband stood by while my older son and I hesitated at the top. I pushed off and immediately lost control and fell.  Since I’ve never fallen before, I had no idea how to get up and I had no poles to get out of the skis.  I looked to my husband for help and he seemed frustrated that I had no idea how to get my body upright again.  As in, how could you not be able to get up? Just get up! He helped me and I tried again, only to fall.  Again.  Since the 9 year old was eager to be out there, my husband just couldn’t deal with me (and the four kids we had with us) and sent me off to wait for what would be my second ski lesson.  So, I stood alone waiting for the instructor and the other beginners to arrive.  For 30 minutes.  That’s a long time to stand feeling defeated, frustrated, and humiliated.  That’s a long time to choke back the tears of self doubt.  As the others arrived, I decided that the day’s new goal would be: just don’t cry.  Just don’t cry.  Just. Don’t. Cry.


We headed back to the mountain where my self doubt ruled supreme and we started the lesson.  The instructor didn’t remember me at first, but as soon as he saw my hesitation and anxiety, he remembered. I was so nervous for each new skill that every time we came to a rest for instruction, my legs were shaking.  I had clenched feet in my boots and my whole body was tight while I concentrated on being afraid.  I was digging deep to get through this.  I reached back to remember the day I showed up for swim lessons at 27 years old.  I didn’t fear swimming in the same way I am afraid to speed down the slopes, but I was afraid of failing. I safeguarded myself from failing in the pool by practicing and practicing and more practicing.  Now, it’s hard for me to remember a time when I couldn’t swim.  I often get asked for advice from novices at the YMCA and have frequently exited the water at the top of my age group in open water.  I called on that success to calm me on the mountain.  And then, I hit one of the skills right on.  The instructor celebrated me for a brief moment and my legs began to settle.  


Conquering the chair lift without the help of the instructor was the next hurdle for the day.  I paired up with a sweet 7th grader and he gave me some advice.  At one point he leaned over to me during the lesson and said, “the first step to success is a positive attitude.” There is nothing like the advice of an honest child to set you straight. Near the end of the hour he left me with this, “What you should do is, after the lesson, ski until you just can’t ski anymore.” He was my cheerleader everytime we rode the lift during the lesson and for hours after.  

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After the lesson, I was left with my 9 year old and his friends on the bunny hill.  I had no choice but to be on the hill with the kids. I could have chosen to stand around and take photos, but I stood at the top knowing exactly what I had to do. Practice.  And fail.  On my own terms. And then, do it again and again and again.  I just had to make it from the top of the hill to the bottom of the hill once. I pushed off and in few minutes I was at the bottom and it was glorious.  Not graceful, but glorious. And then I did it over and over again, each time with more confidence that skiing is a new skill that I am capable of learning. Although I had trouble executing the skills in the lessons on demand, I felt my intuition lead me around obstacles.  I felt my body sort of lean when it was supposed to. I felt my fear turn into drive. I am certain that nothing looked pretty and I am sure anyone watching knew I was green, but at the end of the day I wanted to keep skiing and I had crushed my goal of not crying.


Even when I spun out and found myself backward on the hill I wasn’t deterred. I turned my body and my skis so I could get up without sliding. I thought about my bike crash at The Big George 70.3 in Lake George, NY.  I was crushing the race, killing my previous 70.3 PR when I got careless and my wheel slipped on loose dirt while I was in aero with one hand in my jersey pocket reaching for nutrition. I crashed hard, body over handlebars, helmet smashed into pavement, with my bike landing on top of me.  I got up, collected myself, assessed my bike and without much more consideration continued the race.  Because really, the fastest, easiest, and maybe only way back to transition was to ride.  I had a great run fueled by adrenaline and finished the race strong despite the bike crash, but the most important lesson of the race was that I got right back on.  I didn’t let fear take that day. So, I turned those skis down the mountain and finished that run and went back for several more because I wasn’t going to let this day go either.


The day was mine, but it also belonged to my family.  My 9 year old smiled with friends on the lift and raced down the mountain until he was dead tired and frozen. My 12 year old conquered his hesitation and practiced skills on the bunny hill with friends for an hour. My husband had time to hit the real slopes and we had spent an entire afternoon and evening together. The reward is big for embarking on new adventures like this, but I am certain I would never have had the courage to be here in this moment if not for all of the challenges that I’ve encountered through years of training for and racing in endurance events. Before triathlon I wasn’t able to harness the fear that is inherent in new experiences, but triathlon has taught me that failure isn’t really failure. Failure is giving in to that weakness in your shaky legs that tells your brain you can’t do this.  Moving past that, even if it’s tiny baby steps on the bunny hill, that’s a victory.  



It's Flu Season - What's a Sick Athlete To Do? - Athlete Insight with Dr. Phil Moy

2018.  A new year of resolutions and goals.  This would be the year where I would take my triathlon goals to the next level and compete in a half ironman.  Heck, I was doing pretty well too!  I had been consistent in my off season training with Coach Sam and I could feel myself getting stronger.  Now, at the beginning of 2018, I was ready to tackle Coach Sam’s legendary brick workouts, 5 hour zone 15 runs, and eternal Trainer Road challenges.  DO YOUR WORST SAM!  JUST BRING IT!!!  Then it happened.  On January 3rd 2018 the dreaded H3N2, the virus that this year’s influenza vaccine didn’t target well, entered my life and laid waste to my tri training. As a triathlete I know we are terrified of getting sick. I also know that it’s not the “feeling crappy”  that scares you.  We all know that “feeling crappy” is part of tri training & competing and you take pride in your ability as an athlete to handle that very pain.  Feeling bad is not what you fear.  What really scares you is the eternal question that lingers on every athlete’s mind: Should I work out while sick?

As an Emergency Physician, I can impart some advice to you.  However, I do have one request from you.  My REQUEST is that when you do find yourself sick, I ask that you be ABSOLUTELY HONEST with yourself when employing the tactics I talk about below.  I see all types of people in the Emergency Department and not every patient is honest with me.  When that happens, my advice is misdirected and will…not…help.  So, please, be honest with yourself when evaluating yourself based on my thoughts below.  

A little background:

When physicians evaluate patients, we use a thought process reflected in a SOAP note.  SOAP is an abbreviation for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan.  When we first evaluate a patient, physicians obtain a Subjective history of present illness. This is the patient’s perspective as to how they are feeling and what’s been going on. You tell us your story which may have some numerical values to it (i.e. my temperature was 99 degrees Fahrenheit), but it is mainly your story and your subjective view as to how you are feeling.  Next is Objective.  This is what the physician sees from a non-judgmental sense in the physical exam and what objective, quantitative findings (i.e. blood pressure) are measured. Next is Assessment.  This is where physicians think of all possible causes of the patient’s condition and attempts to narrow down what is really going on based on the subjective and the objective data.  Finally the Plan.  Now that we’ve pinned down the likely cause of the patient’s symptoms, we have to plan what we are going to do about it.  In other words, we’ve created our Assessment (you diagnosis of a viral illness) based on our Subjective (you feel bad) and Objective (you have a 100.5 F fever) findings.  Now we attempt to answer your question of whether you should work out along with treatment options.



S:  So you’re sick. You wake up in the morning with a sore throat, congestion, and a bit of a headache.  Your coach has set up a tough brick workout for you with a 2 hour bike ride and a 30 min  run.  What do you do?  Let’s evaluate your subjective presentation.  How do you feel?  REMEMBER BE HONEST!!!

  • Do you feel wiped out?

  • Are you absolutely fatigued and does even the SLIGHTEST physical activity (walking up the stairs, walking to another room, getting up from a chair) exhaust you?

  • Do you have a fever?  

  • Do you feel like you’re going to pass out?   

If you answered yes to any of these questions...it’s okay to throw in the towel, let your coach know that you’re sick and you can’t work out today.  Recover, get better, and fight another day.

But what if you actually feel okay?  What if the sore throat and drippy nose is more of an annoyance than anything else?  What if you would feel fine if you just didn’t have an annoying, dry cough?  If that’s the case you can consider working out…but before you do let’s head to the next step.


O:  We are all triathletes, we like numbers, or at least our coaches do (I know Coach Sam does :P), and we have fancy gadgets we wear to test our physical activity.  Technically speaking, for our down and dirty objective evaluation, let’s take stock of our vital signs.  Now I don’t expect anyone to have a blood pressure machine, but I do expect everyone reading this post to have some sort of heart rate monitor.  As you know, heart rate (HR) in exercise physiology lets us know how hard your exerting yourself.  Equivalently, in healthcare,  your HR lets us know how hard your body is exerting itself when fighting an infection (if you have symptoms of an infection).  If you put on your heart rate monitor (while not doing any exertion prior to placement) and its above 100 or ANYWHERE near your aerobic heart rate...I would recommend you skip your workout, let your coach know, and consider seeing a doctor.  

But what if your heart rate is at resting levels at rest?  Test your HR with minimal exertion.  For example, walk up the stairs or around the house.  If your heart rate approaches your zone 1 heart rate or goes above a HR of 100, take the day off, rest, hydrate, recover.  If I walk into a patient's room and their heart rate is elevated, they have a fever, and I know that they were wheelchaired into the room (no prior exertion), I know their body is working pretty hard to fight the infection.  I would consider several more serious diagnoses like sepsis or dehydration.  I would have a low threshold of obtaining blood work and at least provide some intravenous fluids (IVF).  

Another objective measure is pulse oximetry (SpO2).  Some of you may have this and some of you don’t.  SpO2 let’s healthcare providers know how much oxygen is in your blood.  100% oxygen saturation is the best and in medicine we usually become concerned if the oxygen saturation drops below 90-92%.  If you have this doohicky on your phone or even with your fancy triathlon gadgets, check it out.  If your SpO2 is below 94-95% while at rest...take the day off.  It may be that your developing a lung infection, like pneumonia, and you should consider seeing your doctor.  If it is at or below 90-92% while at rest...DEFINITELY see your doc...it may be a bad pneumonia.  If your doohicky says you’re just fine, walk up the stairs or do minimal exertion that SHOULDN’T normally make you tired or even get your heart rate going.  If your SpO2 drops, take the day off, and make an appointment with your doctor.   

However, if you don’t have this wonderful gadget….here is the poor man’s method.  Obtain your respiratory rate (RR).  RR is essentially how many times you’re breathing in one minute.  One breath is equal to inspiration (breath in) and expiration (breath out).  That’s ONE breath.  You can count how many breaths you take in 15 seconds and multiply that by 4 and that’s your respiratory rate.  Try not to adjust your respiratory rate while doing this and BE HONEST when doing this.  Normal RR is 12-20 breaths per minute.  If you obtain your respiratory rate while at rest (NO CHEATING) and it is high...No working out.  Your body is working hard.  If you feel short of breath with this high respiratory rate, go see your doctor.  If your RR is normal...hey that’s a good thing, your illness may not be as bad as you think.  

Finally, your temperature.  Let’s make it simple.  If you have a fever, DO NOT WORKOUT.  If you don’t, hey that’s a good thing! ☺


Before we move onto to your assessment, let’s quickly recap your subjective and objective components.  

Subjectively: if you feel wiped out, if you get absolutely fatigued with minimal activity, if you pass out or are near passing out DO NOT WORKOUT.  If you’ve answered “no” to these questions or If you have above the neck symptoms (drippy nose, sore throat, etc.) and answered “no” to the questions in the subjective section, go onto the objective evaluation.  

Objective: If your resting HR is above 100 or anywhere near your zone 1 HR WHILE RESTING, DO NOT workout. If your HR reaches your aerobic zone or gets above 100 with minimal exertion, take the day off.  If your SpO2 is low at rest, DO NOT WORKOUT.  If your SpO2 drops with minimal exertion DO NOT workout.  If your RR is high at rest, DO NOT WORKOUT.  If you have a fever DO NOT WORKOUT.  


So you’ve gotten this far, Subjectively you’re feeling okay.  Objectively you seem to quantitatively pass the milestones and don’t have any concerning findings.  Now we are entering the “art of medicine” or in your case…”know thyself”


A:  As an emergency physician I am trained to think of worst case scenario.  The worst case scenario is something called sepsis or septic shock.  If you’ve gotten this far through your subjective & objective evaluation, you probably don’t have septic shock.  It is likely you have a viral or bacterial infection, either of which will eventually resolve with or without antibiotics (if bacterial).  Again, this is only if you are honest with yourself.   


P: At this point all of you are asking...WHAT’S THE PLAN?!?!?!   Here is my advice and here is where you have to be COMPLETELY HONEST with yourself.  If your symptoms are an annoyance, you have a cough that makes your voice sound terrible, your objective evaluation passes the mustard, and you actually feel okay, I would advise you to go workout with caution.  If, after 15 minutes, you’re not in it or it becomes incredibly difficult, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY AND STOP.  It is also okay to take your workout down a notch if you ABSOLUTELY WANT TO WORKOUT and your Subjective/Objective findings are normal.  Just explain it to your coach.   Personally, if I have anything above the neck or an annoying cough that doesn’t make me short of breath, I’ll hit the workout.  Sometimes the exercise adrenaline will slow that faucet in your nose or clear up your congestion temporarily.  Sometimes it may clear up your lungs and suppress your cough.  Working out may actually make you may feel a little better.  But know that your symptoms will return until you’re completely healed.  

Finally, I asked my sports medicine colleague about working out while sick.  Here is what she said, “Except mono, we always let anyone participate unless they were febrile. Fever changes your metabolic needs. There were some exceptions - if someone had some URI [upper respiratory tract infection] for weeks and just needed shut down to help them recover.”

All of you reading this blog are phenomenal athletes.  It is so impressive to watch each and every one of you compete and train day in and day out.  You are stronger than 95% of the patients I see in the ED.  You will heal with time and you will recover.  I know, I know, it’s the convalescence that sucks.  I am just now starting to feel back to my baseline after dealing with this flu for the past 3 weeks.  It sucked.  I felt like I took 3 steps back after moving 2 steps forward.  But here’s the kicker.  I have more passion now to attack Coach Sam’s cruel workouts (please be gentle Sam :P) than I did at the beginning of this year.  It’s the stresses and the struggle that give us the energy to be better than we were before.  You know there’s a word for that.  It’s called Evolve.  

Our Greatest Competition - with Nick Gregory

We have gotten to the time of the year where many of us are looking at the next season of competition. For some this means signing up for races, dialing in workouts, nailing that FTP test, or cleaning up our nutrition. However you want to put it - we are all turning our sights on what 2018 has in store for us. 

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Too often,  we can  get caught up in worrying about what others are doing, training, eating, riding, etc. They are our competition after all, we need to know what advantages they may have that we too can harness, but what if I told you there is more than just one form of competition - and perhaps the most important form is the more subtle of the two.

Some of you have guessed that I am talking about external and internal competition.

But what does all this mean? 

External Competition

This is competition that is on most everyone’s mind. It pushes us to beat that individual in our AG, or best them at the local group run. This type of behavior can focus you more on the splits from the last race your rival(s) posted that you can lose focus on your own training.

While there is undoubtedly a healthy aspect to having a competitive drive, and it can fuel the path for performance improvement, it can also be a debilitating driver. With the advent of social media, and the athletic related social media sites (i.e. Strava, Garmin Connect, Athlinks, etc) it is easier than ever to stalk (or ‘research’ as some like to call it) your local and non-local competitors- which can hinder as much as it might seem to help.

For me personally, I am not a fan of Strava and here is why - quite frankly, I don’t care what others are doing - what training protocols they follow, what KOMs they went after and posted, and other extraneous bullshit they decided to post on that particular day. What works for them may not work for me - individualized coaching is just that - it is about the individual and not a one size fits all plan. We are a part of Evolve because we are looking for guidance in our athletic endeavors, whatever they may be, and as such, we are being analyzed workout to workout so our respective coach can map out the rest of the course. One workout does not make or break our season - it is about the day in and day out, and posting how great one workout was to try to up your competition is just a distraction from the real goal.

Here is my confession - I used to post a lot of snapshots of my workouts that I absolutely crushed. I was THAT guy. But truth be told, I was in perhaps worse shape (physically and mentally) from those big training days (Note: no matter how smart you think you are, it is impossible to be objective and coach yourself). Why you ask? Because what wasn’t shown was the population of missed workouts that occurred 2-3x weekly. I was merely showing the highlight reel of my training, and when race day would come others would often make comments on how I train too much, or train better than I race. It was true to an extent.

There was a mindset that changed for me (which will come in a later blog post) and part of that was focusing on internal competition. Once I made that my focus, the gains started to come and ultimately I was happier than ever to train and race. 



Internal Competition

This is the competition that you have with your biggest competitor of all - yourself. Think of how many times you have gotten into a workout or a race and you are internally beating yourself up or essentially talking shit to yourself. I have been racing for about 6 years now and can honestly say I have never heard the type of shit talking that I do to myself come from a fellow competitor. This doesn’t necessarily need to happen in a race setting, this can also happen during a tough training session, or a session that you quite frankly would rather go eat a burger and have a beer then complete. The biggest driver that should push you day to day is yourself. It doesn’t matter if you are a front of the pack,  Elite AG athlete, middle of the pack or back of the pack athlete, or if you are just looking to finish - you can push yourself to new levels. For me personally, I wake up and tell myself to simply, “compete everyday”. This applies to my athletic life, as well as my professional and personal life. You have a choice to wake up everyday and be stagnant, or move forward and work to improve on yesterday. 

Of course you will have days where you are tired, stressed, or just plain over it. It is going to happen….not if, but when. Think of some internal drivers that will give you that extra boost. This can be a picture of you from your first race, a picture of the finish line for the first Ironman you are training for, or hell a picture of a piece of pizza for all that matters. If you know how to talk shit to yourself, then you also know how to motivate yourself!

So what does all of this mean - simply put, go out and grab life by the f’ing horns and get after it - but do it for YOURSELF first and foremost. Whether it is a tough hill workout, knocking out a strength work session, or completing a damn TPS report at work go out and Battle. Every. Motherf’ing. Day -  and if you can beat yourself each day, then you will also up the competition come race day.


Lessons From the Path of Resistance - with Coach Samantha

I am not sure what it was about this past weekend, but for many of our athletes they had some workouts that were not easy, and I do not mean not easy in terms of the physical stress - although for some that was surely part of it, but I mean not easy in terms of how it felt relative to how they hoped that it should have felt or wanted it to feel. In addition, there was a healthy dose of technological issues thrown in and it was kind of a perfect storm for some less than stellar workouts - or at least if we only cared about the data.

We have all been there. We will be there again soon enough.

I often joke that if I had a formula for making each workout amazing that I would be a very wealthy woman, but alas that magic potion alludes me. Call it what you will - a front row seat aboard the struggle bus, but ALL athletes have bad days where they have every intention of putting in some solid work and for whatever reason -  their body, or equipment has other intentions. This can sometimes be traced to lack of sleep, poor workout fueling, bad eating habits, too much stress, rushing around, or a heavy training load… but then there are just those days where is feels like the planets have aligned and it just all goes to hell.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when this happens - as it is not an IF, but a WHEN…


  1. It happens to ALL athletes

  2. Your attitude will affect how this experience affects you

  3. These days can be a real opportunity for growth


Let’s start with an athlete’s perspective. We talk about this analogy all the time with our athletes and to be honest, I learned this concept from one of my past coaches, but the idea is that a coach has a map.  The coach sees the athlete’s plan from an aerial view. There is a starting place and the finish line and many routes to get there. Of course there is a “fastest path of least resistance” but there are also other ways to get to the end. This aerial view allows the coach to guide the athlete to their A race even when the ideal route gets blocked. The athlete, however, is in the midst of the forest and can only see a few feet in front of them. They see just the trees and the trail. This path can look amazing at times and dark and scary and hopeless at other times and even worse it can diverge. This is where the un-coached athlete often trips up and either chooses the harder path, or spends way too much time thinking about which way to go.

This weekend, many of our athletes experienced a giant boulder just being tossed on the trail seemingly out of nowhere. All of them had a choice - or several really:


  1. Sit down in the road,  or worse yet turn back

  2. Whine and complain, even get super angry and eventually some might get over the obstacle and others will stop in their tracks

  3. Be momentarily annoyed, but embrace the new challenge and emerge stronger


I am proud to say that all of them picked choice three, but I also know that there are many out there who would not have done so and that three is the hardest choice to make, especially without a solid support system. Some would have thrown in the towel right away, some would have wasted a ton of energy on being angry or feeling sorry for themselves (stand on the sidelines of any race and you will see this happen far too often). Those who truly want  to achieve their best know that this is just ONE workout of MANY and that the lessons that can be learned are perhaps far greater than what happens when the workout is perfect. While the athlete’s initial feelings might be of frustration, anger, or even failure, there is not much to gain from allowing those emotions to take over, but a ton to gain from knowing that on the days where you cannot hit the metrics prescribed, or you have wasted time dealing with getting your trainer to sync, or you forgot your stuff for the pool, you still get it done to the best of your ability.  The athlete who sees these days as a challenge rather than a defeat will in the long run be able to draw from this on race day.


From a coach’s view - the athlete who is able to adjust on the fly and deal with the boulder in the way without letting it stop them is the athlete who is best equipped on race day.  They are the athlete who will be able to handle the many things that come in endurance racing. I have never had a race without a wrench thrown in the plan, and while I might not be the most physically gifted athlete on the course, I am good at taking what the day gives me and making the most of it - in other words embracing the suck. “Bad” days are in a way a gift, they teach us things that perfect days never could, they test us, and when we rise to that challenge we emerge grittier and a better competitor. The next time you face a unexpected obstacle, look for the lesson that is presented and do not get bogged down by the data.


2017 - Another Amazing Year!

In 2016 we promised that 2017 would be even better - and dare we say that this was even more true than we thought possible.  Some of the things that made 2106 fabulous are still the same. We are still very proud of the team and how they work together to create a vibrant and caring community.  The coaching staff grew once again, and the camaraderie that each athlete feels with their peers surpassed previous years. And just like always we had a very solid year of PRs, podiums and first time finishes. 

While we are wildly anticipating 2018 and what will unfold, we want to take a moment to look back at some of the amazing achievements of 2017 - and what better way to do that than with photos. We hope you enjoy these as much as we do!

Way Back Wednesday Race Report with Athlete Emily Johnson

Ironman Louisville 2017



I swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles, and ran 26.2 miles…THAT’S 140.6 MILES… IN ONE DAY!!!

But this was so much more than one day.  Last year I had signed up for Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga 2017 which is at the end of May and I started training at the beginning of 2017.  As Chattanooga got closer I started thinking about what my next challenge would be.  I looked at how long it would take me to train for a 140.6, looked at the Ironman race calendar and Ironman Louisville fell dead on.  I remember texting my sister Genny back in April “if I asked you if you think I should do a full Ironman in October, would you say ‘no’?  If so, I won’t ask.” Basically, I was going to do it, no matter what anyone said.  People would ask “why?” and I never really had a good reason except if I ever wanted to do one, there wasn’t going to be a better time.  I signed up with Coach Teresa with the Evolve team and had 6 months to train…game on!

The training quickly consumed my life, but in a good way.  I trained 10-18 hours a week.  Every Saturday I went out for a long bike ride followed by a short run and every Sunday included a long run.  I always tried to get out the door early, but even still I was gone until after noon several days.  If we were traveling somewhere, my bike went with us…to the Lake of the Ozarks, to Chicago, and to Florida.  My peak training week I logged 18+ hours, which included a 112-mile bike ride in 95° weather through Wildwood, MO and was my first century ride.  Besides Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga I also raced the Route 66 70.3 in Springfield, IL where I PR’d by over 30 minutes.  I made some amazing friends on this journey and had incredible support from Jared and my family.  Jared had more faith in me than I did in myself, from the very beginning.

As for my race report, the day is kind of a blur, but here it is.  

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Most triathletes are worried most about the swim, I’m typically worried about everything after the swim (thank you Mom and Fulton Fins)!  It was a self-seeded start, so I lined up with the 1 hour and 10-minute group.  Thankfully, I found Jared and my family as I was walking down the chute.  Lots of pictures, hugs, and laughs.  I was finally more excited than nervous.  Before I knew it, I was at the edge of the dock and jumped in without giving it a second thought.  Here we go!

2.4 Mile Swim – 1:02:20

0.8 miles upstream in the Ohio River in an area protected by an island.  Nice because I didn’t have to sight very much since I could see land on both sides.  Got to the turnaround buoy and immediately felt the choppiness. Really nothing too bad, but not smooth.  I passed A LOT of people.  Kept repeating “strong and steady” in my mind.  Stopped once to un-fog my goggles. Loved seeing 1:02 on my watch when I got out of the water.  Got my wetsuit stripped off, saw my family on the way to T1.  I was super happy and having a blast!

Transition 1 – 7:37

My T1 volunteer was awesome!  So helpful, got everything out of my bag, handed me what I asked for and sent me on my way.

112 Mile Bike – 7:05:30

On to the bike.  Out River Road, onto 42.  We had a nice tailwind.  Then started the loop.  The main thing I thought about on the first loop was “dang, I’m a fast swimmer” since I was getting passed by tons of cyclists!  Ha!  But I knew that would happen so I just stuck to my race plan.  Felt pretty good and had a good pace going.  Saw tons of Evolve teammates on the route and saw my family in La Grange.  Bathroom break at mile 50.  Again, the volunteers were amazing!  They took my bike and asked if I wanted my bottles refilled and when I came out of the bathroom my bike was restocked and ready to go.  On the second loop and was looking forward to special needs so I could have a break.  Saw my family there and took an opportunity to squirt Anne with a water bottle…sister love!  I really stuck to my nutrition plan (gel/blocks every 45 minutes and 1 bottle/hr) as I’d heard so many times how important that was.  Fatigue definitely set in around mile 70.  Then at mile 80 we took a left turn onto 42 directly into the headwind. Miles 80 to 112 were BRUTAL…headwind, crosswind, rain, cold.  Sometimes the crosswind gusts were so strong it pushed me across my lane.  (Post-race I heard the wind was up to 30 mph and gusts up to 40mph!)  I pushed on except for a brief stop to remove a large feed bag that blew across the road and stuck to my back tire.  There were several times I remember just laughing out loud and thinking “you’ve got to be kidding me”!   River Road was very rough and the last 12 miles seemed to take forever.  I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to get off my bike!

Transition 2 – 10:35

Into T2, took my time, grabbed what I needed, quick bathroom break and went on my way.  How in the world am I going to run a marathon?!

26.2 Mile Run – 4:47:45

My legs definitely felt weird for the first couple miles, but I finally started to feel like I was in a groove at mile 3.  I was just so happy to be off my bike!  I saw tons of the Evolve crew and held a strong, steady pace.  I was worried about stomach issues as I’d been dealing with it during all my training, but started on my run nutrition (1 block every 2 miles then gel at mile 6).  For the first half of the run, I only stopped at a water station if I needed to refill my water bottle or for bathroom.  Bathroom break at mile 7.  Saw my family at the turn around (mile 8ish).  Bathroom break at mile 10.  By that time, I was NOT feeling good.  Saw my coach who told me to switch to salt and water only for the next hour.  I tried that for a couple miles and I couldn’t wait to get to special needs.  I wanted my gloves since it was starting to get cold and my cards from Logan and Avery for a little motivation!  What was the worst part of the course?  Mile 13!  You see the finish line and are within a couple hundred feet then take a right turn to head out for another 13 miles.  It was heartbreaking!  But special needs was around the corner.  Got my gloves and my cards.  Read my cards as I ran.  Logan had drawn a picture of me swimming, biking, and running, then put stickers all over it!  Loved it!  I needed the motivation.  I’m so glad Coach Teresa warned me before the race about the urge to walk during the marathon.  She had told me “You will really want to walk.  You’ll be extremely tired, see other people walking and want to just walk for a bit, but there is no reason you need to walk.  Walk through the water stations then get going again”.  It was really getting dark and I wanted to walk.  My pace dropped off, but I kept running and thinking “Coach Teresa told me there was no reason to walk”.  I had so many thoughts during the race that started with “Coach Teresa told me…”:)  So, I ran from water station to water station.  I also started to get hungry!  I definitely didn’t want any gels or blocks so I started to try the chicken broth as Teresa suggested.  Also tried pretzels and chips.  The salt tasted so good.  I continued to see my family and teammates over the next several miles.  I remember saying to my family at mile 18ish “I’m just ready to be done.”  But I still had so long to go.  Once I turned the corner at mile 20 to head back, I knew I was going to make it.  Just run to the next water station…run to the next water station.  I could hear the finish line about a mile away.  When I turned the corner, I could see the finish line and I saw Coach Sam who reminded me to “soak it all in”.  The finishers chute was packed!  Music, lights, banging on the fences, cheering.  I saw my family again right before I crossed the finish line.  It was surreal!  

EMILY JOHNSON, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN – 13 hours, 13 minutes 47 seconds!!!

Ironman was definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever done, physically and mentally, but it’s amazing what our minds and bodies can do.  Thank you to Meg, Sarah, and Stephanie for making training so much more fun!  Thank you so much to Coach Teresa for all the support, planning, listening, and advice.   She picked me up as an athlete only 6 months before race day.  That is brave!  And I’ve never worked with another tri coach, but I bet very few of them do 112-mile bike rides in 95° weather with their athletes or rub their athlete’s feet after the race.  Thank you to Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Dave for the hospitality, delicious food, and wonderful company both during my training weekend in September and race weekend.  Thank you to my mom for joining me on my Louisville training weekend and for the whole Ironman weekend.  Thank you to my sisters for surprising me in Louisville the day before my race and for being there for me race day.  And HUGE thank you to Jared!  He knows just as much about triathlon now as I do.  He listened to me talk about it non-stop for over 6 months, came to all my races, joined me on training runs/rides, and so much more.  He supported me throughout this journey and believed in me.  

What an experience!  I am truly blessed!


Why I Quit Avoiding Swim Camp and So Should You! -athlete insight with Scott Kolbe.

I remember going to pick up my packet and dropping off my bike at my first 70.3, the wind was brutal, there were large white caps on the water,  and the bikes were sliding all over the place in the transition racks from the wind. The next morning they tested the water temperatures and the temperature was 55 degrees. I remember being relieved that there was no wind, but had never swam in water that cold. I was scared shitless.

That morning I remember meeting Coach Sam for the first time in transition (She was not my coach at that time). She gave me a pep talk and I remember thinking I needed this, again I didn’t know her – but she probably saw the fear in my eyes and body language. Let’s just say I survived this swim, it was brutally hard and I cramped up terribly swimming. Despite being miserable that day on the swim, I still had that feeling taking it all in and realizing I was doing this race no matter how hard it was.

Prior to Evolve I HATED every F&*^ing swim at every race. I absolutely hated swimming and fought it every step of the way. The conversation to myself would often be why am I doing this? This is supposed to be fun. I would have massive anxiety weeks prior to races. I said to myself I have to learn to swim better. But I wasn’t sure how to get there.

I remember Sam talking about swim camps and I KNEW the camp was what I needed. But the fear in me, said there is no F^*%ing way that I will ever go to one of those swim camps. The excuses I made up where pretty good. I just made sure they never worked with my schedule. The reality and the fear of going into an environment where I thought everyone would be swimming like Katie Ledecky and I would be the one holding up the camp sounded miserable.

So at some point, Sam said I really want to see you come to swim camp. I reluctantly agreed and I signed up for my first swim camp. I quickly was teamed up with two other athletes that were of similar ability and we shared a lane. I remember listening to every word trying to learn. The reality was that weekend I swam more than I had ever swam in a weekend. I knew I would be sore for a few days. But I survived!


So this is where things got interesting, I remember going back to swim and suddenly I would look at my lap average pace and I realized I was swimming faster. Those magic thresholds you place on yourself and pace. I suddenly realized I was swimming at an average pace that I dreamed of before. This same year, I went back and repeated a 70.3 from the year before. This time I shaved 7 minutes off my swim time and my previous swim time at this race was really good for me.

So something happened after this race. I continued swimming by myself. But I found myself starting to enjoy swimming. I was racing better and my swim was setting me up to have some pretty great races. I was also craving swimming in a group of focused athletes, Evolve has Friday workouts, but it does not work with my schedule, so after a discussion with Sam I decided to join a masters swim group closer to my home. This was so outside my comfort zone. Masters along with swim camp have raised my confidence level in triathlon so much higher; I almost forget how hard it used to be for me.

The ironic part is today people come up to me and say, well you don’t understand because you are a really good swimmer. I laugh and say, I probably understand more than you think. They ask how do you get better. I said two things, went to swim camp and joined a Masters swim group.

Ultimately I realized swimming is all about consistency, being pushed and good advice. So my advice is face your fear and eventually it becomes a distant memory.

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