Don't Call it a Triathlon Comeback - with Coach Scott

With 2021 right around the corner, it is hard to not be excited for a new year. It would be naive to think that there is still not some uncertainty out there, but the feeling that we are closer than ever to the return to racing is certainly present.  I can't wait to be back racing. I love to not only watch my athletes race, but I love racing myself. 

Right now is the time to put yourself in the best position for 2021 races. As a coach and athlete  the last thing I want is to have athletes scrambling to make a “comeback”,  and frankly your chances of success in 2021 are much less likely each day you wait to start on consistent training. 

Here is what I am focusing on with both my athletes as with my own coach:

  1. Do not look at 2021 as a comeback,  but leverage the base that was built in 2020, and  build on what you already have. While it might feel like we are all starting from scratch, most of us did a lot of movement in 2020 - even if it was not as focused as we might have wanted it to be. 

  2. Control what you can. All of us are able to control consistency and to plan ahead and work on improving in 1 or 2 key areas such as your fueling, or your sleep.

  3. Chip away at improvements, do not make sweeping goals. I like to encourage my athletes to focus on small process goals that will lead to big outcomes. For example, so not worry that each run is not at XX pace - that is not a data point that matters, rather make sure that each run is well fueled and to the specifics your coach asks of you.

  4. If you have neglected some areas of training, don't accept it as too late to make a change, rather develop a plan to focus and look to where you can be by the end of January and February. Many triathletes start bringing a sharp focus to  their training in early spring which is too short of a window to have a successful season. At Evolve we challenge athletes to work on their 2021 season at the end of 2020 with consistent habits going into the new year.

  5. It is important to establish SMART goals for 2021 and also establish a daily mantra that will help you get there. For me, this has been where can I be in 45 days. After just 45 days of consistent structured training with a solid base you can start seeing improvements. 45 days work as it is not that long of a time period, but it is also a chance to reestablish healthy habits. Then in another 45 days, you should be in a great spot for fine-tuning your race season.

If you have not been coached before, NOW is the time to start that relationship to build into a solid 2021 season.